Amy and Run Disney

I only run if chased

Posted June 20, 2023

In February of 2023 I checked an item off my life goals list and participated in the Run Disney Princess Half Marathon. It was such a great experience and I learned a lot about myself. First lesson being that I am not a runner! 

I wanted to do the thing for real. The training the whole bit. I started by doing the interval training where you run a bit and then walk and then run and then walk. This was not for me. I was so focused on the clock and what I was supposed to be doing for how long I was very stressed and my time was terrible. I scrapped that plan and chose to go at a pace I could consistently keep for the entire distance for that day's training. This worked well for me. I only needed to watch the miles. 

During the week I would do 30 minutes on the treadmill at home and this seemed to be a good fit as well, however, I am an avid Yogi and I noticed that I was losing my flexibility. I added 10 minutes of yoga to the end of my treadmill workout and I finally had the right mix. My body felt good and I was really looking forward to the race. I was able to keep the required pace so as to not meet the balloon girls. (The balloon girls are the people who let you know kindly that you aren’t going to finish in the allotted time for the race.)

The next lesson I learned on race day and that is I am more of a 10K girl than a half marathon. I felt awesome and easily kept my pace until the last mile and then I was ready to be done. 

The final lesson was that I am now a Run Disney girl. I loved the whole vibe and to my surprise I really liked getting a medal! I am currently signed up to do the Disney 100 Challenge virtual run which involves completing three 5Ks before August 31st. 

I have to admit that I did not keep up the training program. It is difficult to fit into the schedule of my real life, but I like the feeling and motivation of working towards something, and I have the confidence that I can do it!


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