The Joy of Ears

All the ears, please

Posted June 19, 2023

I recently got headshots taken for my  Magical Vacation Planner business. (Side note, contact me for your next vacation) I knew I needed a professional photo for the MVP website and I was totally uncomfortable getting my picture taken. I thought to myself, how can I make this experience more comfortable for me. I immediately realized, take some ears. 

I was a little late to the ears game. I resisted. I didn’t want to spend the money. I thought for sure they would be uncomfortable. I bought my first pair of ears in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. I was in a bad place. Really struggling with it all, and my husband (the best man in the universe) said you need to go. Book a trip to Disney, get out of here. (Best man, am I right?) 

And off I went. Stay tuned for that trip report, but for now, back to ears. I was in Hollywood Studios and I saw the rainbow Pride ears. My first thought was, I only need those. I mean they are rainbow so they match everything or if they are uncomfortable I can just wear them today. 

I tried them on and exploded with magic. I felt like Iron Man, powered by this pure joy I didn’t even know was in me. A light was turned on in my chest and it reignites with each and every pair. I hadn’t realized the inside was lined with velvet, so comfy. You can place them just behind your ears and your hair can stay styled in front. OH NO. I am now a devoted ear person.

Back to the headshots, I would have photos taken in each outfit with and without the ears. When I put the ears on, I naturally beamed. I can’t not smile when I am wearing them. Ears are pure joy for me. The photographer mentioned how much bigger I smiled in the ears and I can see it in the photos. 

I would be remiss if I didn’t include a sad tale of a pair of ears. In 2021 a dream came true and I went on a Momcation to Disneyland. (I highly recommend this sort of trip to everyone and will tell more about it in a future post.) It was on the Indiana Jones Adventure ride. I thought I had secured my ears with my bag. Apparently I had not and those particular ears went the way of the ride. I have since learned that you can ask a cast member and many lost items get returned, but mine did not. I mourn this loss, but am grateful for the short time we had together. RIP Momcation ears 2021.

Since that first pair my collection has grown. I now have decisions to make each trip on what to take and I have purchased entire outfits to match certain pairs of ears. I look for any excuse to put ears on so I can feel the joy in my heart. 

For more ears check out my GallEARy 


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